PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Install PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Using Signulous

Signulous is the easiest way to sign and install apps like PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds that are not available on the App Store. You can upload and sign your own apps, or choose from our extensive app library – no computer needed.

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How to install PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Please follow these instructions to get PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds on your iOS device:

  1. Register your device and choose the "iOS Code Signing" option
  2. Once you've completed the purchase, you'll receive a confirmation email that your device has been registered
  3. On your registered iOS device, visit the signing dashboard and link your device
  4. Find PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds in the App Library, then click "Sign App" > "Install App"
  5. PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds will be installed on your device – enjoy!

Video Tutorial